Led1 - Tactile Led Lamp - Tunto
Barazzi offers the range of lamps, floor lamps, wall lamps and suspension lamps of the brand Tunto, specialist in innovative and design lighting for bars, restaurants, discotheques and hotels.
Access the Tunto catalog by clicking here
Led1 - Tactile Led Lamp - Tunto
Led1 Lampe de Chevet à Led Tunto
LED28 PENDANT - Wooden Led Strip Hanging - Tunto
LED28 FIX - Wooden Led Wall Light - Tunto
Led40 Fix - Wooden Led Wall Light - Tunto
Led40 Pendant - Wooden Led Pendant - Tunto
Led60 Fix - Led Wood Wall Light - Tunto
Led60 Pendant - Led Wooden Pendant - Tunto
Swan Wall - Wooden Wall Sconce - Tunto
Swan Table - Wooden Desk Lamp - Tunto
Swan Floor - Wooden Design Floor Lamp Tunto
Swan Pendant - Wooden Hanging Lamp Tunto
Butterfly2 wall - Led Design Wall Sconce - Tunto
Butterfly3 wall - Design wall light - Tunto
Cube - Design Wooden Wall Sconce - Tunto
Led40 L-Shape - Wooden Led Pendant - Tunto
Led40 T-Shape - Wooden Led Pendant - Tunto